Sunday, April 20, 2008

Back For More Punishment...

Time to blog!

I have been pretty busy working on a new website, but I'm ready to hit the ground running. It seems that I have finally made it to Google page cache status. New readers are finding older posts and page views are soaring. Guess it's not the time to run out of steam just yet!

I'll be getting back to a new schedule and a shrunk down, less busy, re-designed header! Maybe an explosion of random color and 50 -100 ridiculous animated gifs...each with a talking wav file. How about 50 cartoon robots telling you that you have just won an IPOD NANO!

Just kidding!

Lets not forget to mention Canon cameras, Canon Lenses and Canon Rebel XSI at the bottom of each post ( doubles my page views !). Yes....pathetic, but effective.